Is Your Beauty Salon Making As Much Profit as It Could?

by Andrew Philpot - Software Engineer and Beauty Salon Owner

Let Me Tell You How I Can Help You Make More

Our Beauty Clinic in Beaconsfield

Dear Salon Owner,

There is no shortage of people out there trying to sell you a website – all claiming that their site is the best. And since it’s so important to get the right web site for your Beauty Clinic, I want to ask you an important question:

Why should you listen to me?

Well, in addition to having all the qualifications and experience you should expect, here’s a little something that makes me different from the other web site designers …

I have my own Beauty Salon.

Well really the beauty salon is my wife's but I help her run the salon. Obviously I don't do any treatments but I have spent quite a few of my Saturdays as a stand in receptionist, much to the delight and amusement of some of the clients! I was an Industrial Software Engineer for twenty five years until I was made redundant, at which point I decided to study marketing and combine that with my software skills to improve our beauty salon web site marketing. To get it right you really have to know your stuff. And, to keep my wife happy I need to produce measurable results and fast!

We had a professional web site built that did not work.

Maybe you already have a web site but it's not generating any business for you, we know the feeling. When my wife started out as a beauty therapist renting a room in the back of a hairdressers I created our first web site. It looked a bit scruffy but really started pulling in new clients. Over the years I refined it and added more pages and it achieved very high rankings in Google. In Spring of 2006 we had our salon professionally re-designed and to go with it we got an outside company to re-design the web site. They started again from scratch and produced a very nice looking site, but, within a month we had disappeared from Google. That site cost us over £1200. I was livid, all the hours of work I had put in over five years getting a good ranking was gone. Yes, we now have a good looking site but we don't get any new customers!

I put our old site back.

Having spent so much money we did not want to get rid of the new site so I created a version of our old site knowing that it had a good ranking previously so it should get one again. Sure enough four months down the line it is starting to appear in Google but I know it will take some time to get a good ranking. Interestingly the new site still hasn't appeared in Google. Try searching for it yourself, you will find lots of sites that link back to the .com version but you won't find a direct link from Google. You should however find some Google links to our old site at which is now at

Joanna Philpot and some of the Mayflower Health and Beauty Clinic Therapists
The Mayflower Beauty Therapists with my wife Joanna

Look in Google.

A test you can do in Google is to enter "site:http://www........." and whatever the site name is to see how Google has it indexed. I have put links here to the Google searches for the .com and the versions of our web sites. Remember the site has only existed for a few months but the .com version has been in existence for over five years so should rank very highly.

The Internet Archive

If you would like a bit more history then check out the Internet Archive put together by some guys in California, they call it the Way Back Machine. It is a record of how web sites looked over the years and of course it verifies our history. If you want to look you can see how our web site changed over time although you will find that some of the images have disappeared, I guess this is because they feel it is important to keep all the text but some images take up a lot of space.

Note all these links open in a new window so be sure you haven't got a pop up blocker stopping you from opening them.

We started off with when my wife worked in the back of a hairdressers in London then I added when she opened a second salon in a nail bar in Marylebone and now of course there is Mayflowers Health and Beauty web site. I have since closed the other two sites.

Why all this talk of Google

I refer to Google because I prefer them for searching, I think they are ethical and trustworthy and best of all their searches work. However the main reason is apparently Google has 75% of the market in the UK* with Yahoo at 9.3%, MSN at 5.5%, AOL at 4% and Ask at 3%. *Source Websidestory Feb 2006

So What is the Answer?

I'm creating a network of beauty sites centred on Within this site I'm creating a web site for each town in the country so that a salon in Bath would have the site

Why Will This Help

Well one of the factors Google takes into account when ranking a site is the number of pages on the site. If we create a network of 50 beauty salons with 5 pages per site that will give us 250 pages in total but that is just a start, some people will want more than 5 pages. This will take me up to around Christmas as I have only just started and it takes around a two days per site.

Mayflower Health and Beauty Clinic reception area with Aromatherapy Associates, Environ and St Tropez products in Beaconsfield, Bucks
Mayflower Health and Beauty Clinic Reception Area

If you do a search for beauty clinic in Google you will get about 17 million results! Today the number one site is Victoria's Beauty in Bristol. I know nothing about them but if you analyse their site you will find they have 312 web pages listed by Google. Out of the next few sites with high rankings we have one site with 192 pages and another with 176 pages. This does not mean that having a lot of pages will get you a good ranking but it is one of the things Google takes into consideration - plenty of relevant content. Of course the other thing they search for is what people enter and they almost never enter "mayflowerbeautyclinic", I mean it's not even a word! What is often searched for is beaconsfield health and beauty clinic (or something similar) and now we are on a winner because all those terms are in the our new website's name. Chances are most people will search for at least one word that in in out sites name - do you see how that helps?

How Can We Help Each Other?

That's easy, I've created a site for our salon at and I'll create one for you prefixed with your town's name. As I add more salons the site will get bigger and become an even greater magnet for Google. You may think the web site name is rather long, but we are not asking people to type it, they will just be clicking on a link in Google or somewhere similar to find you, it's easy to read and it means something. Compare it to our original mayflowerbeautyclinic or even victorias-beauty. Which of the three means more to you? Remember that this site is designed to attract new clients rather than being a web address that you give existing clients and say, go look at my web site - that will not make you any money. If you want some help selling more to existing clients then that is something seperate that we can help you with but this website is primarily designed to bring you new clients.

So I'll create a professional site for you similar to our sample above . I will customise it to your requirements including your pictures if you want. Don't worry if you haven't got any digital pictures - most of mine were taken on a fairly cheap Nokia phone and then e-mailed straight from the phone - I can show you how.

Sample pages we could include:

You are just not going to believe how simple, fast and easy it will be to get your site up and on-line ready to do business for you.

You'll get everything you need for a professional web site just look at our sample but please remember it will be customised to suit your requirements.

…Let me create and manage a web site for you

It’s like I am right there with you. I understand the problems you have running a beauty business, whether you are a lone therapist at the back of a hairdressers, working from home, mobile or in a salon with ten people working for you. My wife has been through it all with me helping in the background, we understand your problems and I'm so confident that this is the very best deal available that I am giving you a 100% money back guarantee to prove it. If at any time you are not happy with my service then simply cancel your payment, and I will even refund your current months subscription. It's as simple as that, no small print, no if and buts no long contracts.

If you haven’t already seen it then please, visit our sample web site NOW!

With our web sites, compared to most others, there are:

Picture of Andrew Philpot He's not twenty-one anymore!

You can reserve your web site right now. It costs you nothing to reserve and you will lock out your local competition, I'll start building your web site within three days and won't charge you anything for a month. And if you reserve by midnight, I'm going to give you 8 Bonuses just to make sure you get loads of EXTRA VALUE.

Reserve Your Site Now!
Regular Price£850 Today Free
Proven Results.
Instant and Unlimited Access.
100% Secure.


The Good News Is...

... every important Web Site Promotion Technique has been discussed and debated on numerous website's, it's all out there and if you want to take the time you can learn it all! On the other hand you can stick to what you are good at and leave the web sites to me, it's what I'm good at and what I enjoy.

“Hands down the most complete and efficient web site solution for the busy Beauty Salon owner ”

I won't waste your time asking stupid questions, I know what you need on your site to succeed. Your "straight-to-the-point" web site will be easy to navigate, quick to load and will give your clients exactly what they are looking for and that is information on your business. And if you order today, my 8 Special Bonuses will give you the extra benefits that should be in all first class web sites.

With your new web site you really can just sit back and leave it all to me.

Excerpts from a recent interview
with Andy Philpot

You do the treatments, I'll do the web! Read interview.

“Ideally, you should be concentrating on running your salon, the web site should manage itself.”

“So many people get conned into having a great looking web site created that actually fails to do what they really wanted and that is to generate leads that turn into paying clients!”

“Sadly, all too often the final web site does more to fulfil the designers ego than the Salon owners needs”

“Web sites need constant management if they have any hope of achieving a high ranking in the search engines”

A number one spot in Google can not be guaranteed.....why you shouldn't believe anyone who promises you a number one spot on any search engine ”

To find out more about our web site design and management, read the full interview here.

Here's a bit of my background and experience that has allowed me to develop the website that I will customise for you

When it comes to software, I know what works and if it doesn't work then I know where to get help. I am a committed to making our network of beauty salon website's work for us all because I want my wife's business to benefit in our town as much as yours will benefit in your town.

There can only be one beauty clinic or salon in our network in your town - make sure it is you.

Reserve Your Site Now!
Regular Web Site Price £850 Today Free
Proven Results.
Instant and Unlimited Access.
100% Secure.

Common Web Site Mistakes

1. Believing that having a web site is the answer to your prayers! Many people believe that having a web site will instantly solve all their marketing problems, that they will get floods of visitors who will convert into high paying customers. Nothing could be further from the truth, not only has a web site got to be properly built but it needs constant tweaking and management to stay up to date and search engine friendly.

2. Not updating your web site regularly. It's a big turnoff if your last newsletter is dated Summer 2001 and your latest news is over six months old. Google likes fresh content and so do your visitors, therefore your web site needs updating regularly. On our big site the main pages will be updated and added to every week, and since Google will see your site as part of our much larger site you will benefit. Additionally I will update one of your pages free each month, this could be a price list change, Andrew Philpotnews update, special offer or anything else that you want altered.

3. Not having relevant links from other sites. Many people know that search engines give you extra credit if you have links from other sites but most make the mistake of getting links from so called "Link Farms". These are web sites with hundreds of links and very little else. Google has caught on that these are worthless and probably gives them a negative score. What you need is relevant links; links from other beauty sites, links from the beauty industry, links from beauty articles. I will be sourcing these but I'm always grateful for suggestions. One of the great ways to provide links is by writing an article, this needn't be complicated, maybe your thoughts on using the new honey wax as against hot wax. One or two hundred words should be sufficient with your Beauty Salon name and a link to your web site at the bottom. We can help you with all this. I can then put this on our main site and distribute it to the many Article sites that will get your article published all over the web, with lots of links pointing back to your site. You would be amazed how effective it is and how easy it is to do once you start putting your thoughts down on paper. If you want to read more about how Google values page links then go to this excellent article.

4. Building a site for search engines not humans. Everything you do with your web site should be done to help your potential clients. A good rule of thumb is whether you'd feel comfortable explaining what you've done to a website that competes with you. Another useful test is to ask, "Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn't exist?"


Too Many Fancy Graphics. You need to avoid the use of Flash and too many fancy graphics, use text instead of images. Search engines can't see pictures and they certainly don't understand moving pictures! They will slow down your page loads and really they only serve to feed the web designers ego. Look at successful sites like Google, it's very plain and simple, look at the BBC home page, a few pictures, no flash, no scrolling banners, no flashing lights. Maybe look at one of the most successful retailers - Tesco, pretty plain and simple.

6. Not Enough Quality Content. Search engines today are focused more than ever on the quality of website content. Just like you and me, site visitors want to see useful, easy-to-read and up-to-date information. A recent study showed that 1 in 7 website's have a significant number of broken links, spelling and grammar errors, and outdated content. Starting with a solid foundation of clean, error-free HTML, copy should be dense with keyword rich text. Content is king – and relevant keyword rich text is the most important criteria.

7. Falling for False Promises. Many web designers or promoters will clain to submit your web site to thousands of search engines and get you top ten listings in all the top directories and search engines. In reality there aren't thoundands of search engines and no one can guarantee a top position. I would recomend reading the advice on Google's Webmaster Guidelines page this includes design

There are hundreds more of these common mistakes and new ones are always being discovered, if you are interested I'll send you my list but I don't want to bore you senseless!

Here is why my web site is GUARANTEED to work for you:

Is Your Web Site a Millstone Around Your Neck!?

woman strugging with her computer You should have a website generating income for you and I can help.

At this moment, your website should be generating income for you. If you have a website then I would put money on the fact that it isn't working for you effectively. I understand that you want the solution RIGHT NOW - as fast as you can say, "Andy, I'm here, help me" then I'll start on a web site for you. And if you already have a site then we can link to it and send you more traffic.

Remember I'm an engineer, I like fixing things, I enjoy making them work PROPERLY. Most web site designers are really graphic artists, they can make great looking websites but they are not necessarily efficient sites. It doesn't help you if the site looks good but doesn't do the job of finding you new clients. I know my limits, I'm not an artist, if I want a good logo or some other graphics then I pay someone to create one for me but I do the all the workings of the website. It's a bit like getting Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen to do up your sitting room when all you really need is good decorator!

You can have TOTAL CONFIDENCE that your web site WILL WORK for you and will improve your turnover, I can help you get you new clients, it's up to you to keep them! I can even give you some tips on customer retention that will keep your customers coming back again and again. I sincerely believe this is the best, most reliable, and most cost effective web site available for a beauty salon. If you can find a better offer then please let me know. I won't promise to beat their offer but I'd like to see what you are (or maybe not) getting for your money!

Order Now to get me started creating your site. I'm only sending this email out to five salon's at a time so I don't get overloaded with work but I have a list of 7500 clinics and salons!

Beauty Web Site No-Risk Order Form

Yes! Yes, Andy reserve my website space and start creating my Beauty Salon or Clinic website right away.

I realise that by booking now I am locking out all my local competitors and will therefore be gaining an advantage over them. I also realise that gaining a good ranking on any search engine takes time but being part of a large network should help increase traffic to my web site.

I understand that once my web site has been completed to my satisfaction that you will modify one page a month if required for free.

I understand that you will actively promote my site within the Health and Beauty Clinic network and advertise the Health and Beauty Clinic website to bring more traffic to us all.

I also understand that as a subscriber I can use the Health and Beauty Clinic Network Forum to exchange ideas and tips and ask for help from other forum members absolutely FREE!

I understand that you totally GUARANTEE my web site for life, if at any time I am not totaly satisfied then I may cancel my subscription and owe you nothing. You will even refund my current months subscription. I understand that I need pay nothing now and that my card will not be charged for 30 days. I further understand that my subscription is on a monthly basis paid by credit card. If I prefer, and once I am happy with the service, I may pay all future subscriptions by cheque and get a 10% discount if paid yearly.

Plus, if you order by you will also receive eight free Bonuses!!!

Order Your Web Site Now!
Normal Price for web site creation £850 Today's price just 99p per day.
Guaranteed Results.
Web site on-line within 3 days.
100% Secure.

credit card logo


Free Bonus Gift No1 (£80 Value) Be In Touch With Andy Directly. Imagine being able to ask the toughest beauty marketing question you have--the one you just can’t figure out -- to an industry expert. That’s exactly what you will get with Bonus No 1 since Andy will personally answer any question you have on marketing your web site and beauty business. Simply email me any time and if the problem is really complex then you can call me to discuss further. It’s that easy and soon you’ll have the expert advice you need to solve it.

Free Bonus Gift No2 (£90 Value) Three extra Pages. You can have an eight page web site rather than the standard five pages. Normally we charge £2.50 per extra page per month so this is worth an extra £90 per year.

Free Bonus Gift No3 (£48 Value) Feedback Form. I will provide a customised feedback form for your clients to contact you. This can be used for general feedback, appointment requests or anything else you choose. The advantage of using a form rather than plain e-mail is that the client doesn't need an e-mail program open and indeed they don't even need an email address to contact you. Also because your e-mail address will be hidden you will not get picked up by the spammers. Believe me if you e-mail address is displayed on your website then you will get spam (and lots of it). Normal price is £4 per month.

Free Bonus Gift No4 (£12 Value) An Auto-responder. An Auto-responder will automatically reply to all e-mail sent to your e-mail address. It's a good way to let clients know that your e-mail has been received. It would probably say something like "Thank you for your email. We are all busy with clients during the day but will reply to your e-mail within 24 hours. If your enquiry is urgent then please phone us on ................ ".

Free Bonus Gift No 5 (£500) SEO Management. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation which basically means making your site attractive to the search engines. Ensuring the appropriate text is in a format that the search engines can read, and making sure there are plenty of key words (words that people may use to find your page) near the top of the page where search engines think they are more relevant. Click here to read about SEO Management on Google. There are many other tricks (or rules) you need to follow to get the best chance of a good ranking and it is worth doing a general search for SEO on Google if you want to know more. SEO values vary greatly but a quick search on Google sugests the going rate is anywhere between £500-£1000 for one or two days work - nice if you can get it!

Free Bonus Gift No 6 (£100 Value) A Newsletter for Your Clients . We can help you send out newsletters via e-mail to your clients. This is a great way to reinvigorate your clients and give your business a boost.

Free Bonus Gift No 7 (£10 Value) Personalised e-mail address. An e-mail address with your salon's name or town It looks so much better than

Free Bonus Gift No 8 (£Priceless) Divert Clients Who Are Searching for Your Competitors! Imagine someone searching for one of your competitors but Google returns your site, your competion will not like it! This is a little known but very simple and effective way to divert clients to your site when they are really searching for your competion! I have been using this technique for years and can't believe that it is not more widespread. Priceless!

Free Bonus Gift No 9 (£50) On-Line Gift Voucher Sales. If you haven't got a way to sell on-line or can't take credit card payments over the phone, or just don't want the hassle then we can sell your gift vouchers for you. We would then send you a cheque, minus a small commission, for the value of the gift voucher along with details of where to send the Gift Voucher. We would of course issue your customer with an on-line receipt.

Act now before your town has gone!
Reserve your web site now through our secure server:

Best of Beauty Salon Success,
Andy Philpot, Professional Web site designer
Andy Philpot
Software Engineer

P.S. -- Your search to find the most effective, yet trouble free beauty salon web site
is over. This is what we use for our business web site

See our sample website here.

P.P.S. -- Remember, I assume all the risk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain and we have an Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee.

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